Dickinson Family of Barren
and Surrounding Counties, Kentucky
Newspaper Advertisements
Apr 1916
Dickinson Brothers Garage - Free Air
Mar 1916
Dickinson Brothers Garage - Gasoline
Jan 1916
Dickinson Brothers, Manufacturing Agent - Farmer Boy Sulkey Plow
Jan 1916
Dickinson Brothers, Wholesale Agents - The Vulcan Chilled Plow
Jan 1916
Dickinson Brothers, Distributors - Gold Medal Field Seed
Mar 1916
Dickinson Brothers Motor Company - Willis Overland Motor Cars - Foresight and Courage
Apr 1916
Dickinson Brothers Motor Company - Willis Overland Motor Cars - The Car That Built Overland
Feb 1916
Dickinson Brothers Motor Company - Willis Overland Motor Cars - Crowning Achievement
Dickinson Motor Company - Dodge
Dickinson Motor Company - Pathfinder Tires
Dickinson Motor Company - Goodyear Tires
Nov 1934
Dickinson Motor Company - Glasgow Buick/Dickinson Name Change
W. D. Dickinson - Building Supplies
W. D. Dickinson - August Clearance
W. D. Dickinson - Some Real Bargains
W. D. Dickinson - Ranges, Cook Stoves & Heaters
Nov 1934
W. D. Dickinson - Ohio River Salt
W. D. Dickinson - Roof Asphalt
Ganter, George L. - Optician - In Your Eyes
Mar 1916
Ganter, George L. - Optometrist - The Cryptok Way
Feb 1916
Ganter, George L. - Optometrist - Kryptok Glasses
Jan 1916
Ganter, George L. - Your Best Friend
Mar 1916
Ganter, George L. - Keep Your Eyesight


The Dickinson's of Glasgow Kentucky published by Wind Publication and edited by LaVece Ganter Hughes

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