Pierre Strabo
Antonia Strabo
Sieur Antoine Strabo
John James Trabue
Edward Trabue
George Washington Trabue
Benjamin Franklin Trabue
Kate Buckner Trabue
Lelia Rogers Dickinson
“My grandfather’s name was Sir Anthony Straboo, but Colonel Byrd (of Virginia), set it down as Anthony Trabue, and so we write our names to this day.”
— Colonel Daniel Trabue’s Journal.
Pierre Strabo b. 1600 m. Unknown
Their son Antoine Strabo b. Feb 18, 1629 m. Bernarde Chilbailhe b. Feb 1. 1629 (16) David Strabo b. Dec 9, 1646 Jean Strabo b. Oct 11, 1649 Marie Strabo b. Sept 19, 1652 Andre Strabo b. May 5, 165_ Anne Strabo b. Dec 20, 1658 Anne Strabo b. Dec 25, 1663 d. April 8, 1669 Margueritte Strabo b. Aug 13, 1667 (16)
Their son Sieur Antoine Strabo ( or Sir Anthony Trabue) b. in Montauban, on the Tarn, in old Guyenne, France 1667 d. in Manikin Town, near Richmond, Virginia, America, January 29,1724, aged 56 years. (13 p 207) m. Magdalene La Flournoy, stepdaughter of Jacob Flournoy, daughter of Moise Verrueil and Magdalene Prodhomme; Magdalene was born Jan 28, 1685 (19)
This is an excerpt from the journal of Daniel Trabue (13)
. . . relatives and friends, in order to embark on a perilous journey that would lead they knew not where? If they would only recant and forswear their Reformed beliefs, accepting the Roman Catholic doctrines, accepting allegiance to the pope and his church, they would be allowed to remain peacefully in France, and retain, not only their possessions, but also their full rights of citizenship. What impelled them to make the momentous decision to abandon all? Why did they deem it necessary to defy the priests and the secular authorities rather than to recant their Reformed convictions? They were not being asked by the priests to deny Christ or God. After all, the Catholic Church was a continuum of the church founded by Jesus Christ. True. But the Catholic Church as it existed in western Europe in the seventeenth century had become so corrupt and secularized that it defied not only the teachings of Christ, but the commandments of God. Christ taught that salvation is free and is the gift of God, not something that can be bought by passing money to a priest to secure his indulgence. The Huguenots felt that such a practice was undoubtedly sinful in the eyes of God. And the worship of relics was certainly seen as a blatant violation of the second commandment forbidding idolatry. These courageous people, driven by their conscience, their faith, their zeal, and their vision of being able to worship in freedom, according to their newly found Reformed doctrine, felt that they had no alternative but to flee France and find a new home where they would have religious freedom. One such Huguenot was Antoine Trabuc.
Antoine fled from France to Lausanne, September 15, 1687, with other Huguenots, and spent several years in Holland, then came via England, to Virginia, settling in Manikin Town in 1700. In 1699 Sieur Antoine Strabo married, Magdelaine La Flournoy, in Holland, the year before they came to America. She was also a French Huguenot. In 1700 King William of England offered to the French refugees not only free passage to America, but also the promise of a grant of land and freedom of worship to all who accepted his offer.
I understood that my Grandfather Anthony [Antoine] Trabue had an estate but concluded he would leave it if he possibly could make his escape. He was a young man and he and a another young man took a cart and loaded it with wine and went on to sell it to the furthermost Guard. And when night came they left their horses and Cart and made their escape to an Inglish ship who took them in. And they went over to ingland, leaving their estates and native country, their relations and every other thing for the sake of Jesus who Died for them. (Daniel Trabue journal)
Beginning in the spring of 1700, four ships carrying approximately two hundred passengers each, embarked at intervals of several months from England with a destination of the new colonies in America. The Marqis de la Muce was designated as the official leader of the expedition and with them were three ministers of the gospel and two physicians.
The name of Antoine Trabuc does not appear on any of the published ship lists, so it is assumed that he arrived in Virginia aboard the third ship for which there are no exact records.
Antoine, along with other Huguenot refugees, was brought to a spot fifteen miles up the James River from what is now Richmond, Virginia. There a colony was formed on a grant of ten thousand acres of land, stretching for five miles along the south side of the river, and centering on the abandoned settlement of the Monacan Indians.
In order to further aid these Manakin Town Huguenots, on Dec 5, 1700 the Virginia House passed an act making the French refugee inhabitants at Manikin town and the parts adjacent a distinct parish by themselves, and exempted them from the payment of public and county levies for seven years.
This act, declaring that the parish would be called King William Parish, did much to encourage the Huguenots to establish a permanent settlement, for it allowed them to collect parish titles, which they could use to support their church and other community needs.
The religious and political refugees who had sacrificed and endured so much to gain freedom of worship lost no time in establishing their own church. In early 1701 they built the first Huguenot church in Manakin Town. Antoine served on the church vestry and was made a church Ward in 1708.
Probably the most authentic picture we have of this community of pioneers is that painted in the vernacular of Daniel Trabue in his journal (19).
It was a Desireable tract of Rich and furtail land. They went Emediately to hard work, building houses and clereing and tilling the earth. ... Some of these people fetched some little mony with them but the most of them was poor people. Their industery and hard work soon got them to live very well. The nearest mill they had was at Col. Bird's, who lived at the falls of James River which was 15 Miles. So some of them made use of hand mills. I think they brought some hand mills with them from Ingland. Their was a great many wild Deer in the woods but as these French men was not accumtomed to hunting they did not attempt it or but very little but soon Raised cattle and hogs a plenty. ... ... This Col. Bird was a great man in those Days and laid off these Frenchman's land and furnished Corn, etc., and Regesterd all their names. And some of the French names appeard so strange to Col. Bird he altered some of them, and their land titles or grants was according to the way that Col. Bird spelt them. My Grand Father's name was Anthony Straboo but Col. Bird set in (it) Down Anthony Trabue and so we write our names to this Day. My Grandfather brought a certificate with him wrote on parchment from France that was spelt Straboo as well as I can recolect. (13)
Although the parentage of Antoine Trabue is uncertain, it is almost certain that the original name in France was Trabuc, not Straboo, a name, which is not even French. Experts from the book, Histoire de la Ville Montauban by Abbe’ le Bret, translated by George Trabue, are further verification of this fact.
The names of Trabuc and Trabue have the same pronunciations, as the final “c” is silent in the French language, and it is understandable that Col. Byrd registered the name as Trabue on Antoine’s arrival in Virginia. (19)
Daniel Trabue is said to have written his journal in the 1820’s, while living in the house he built in Columbia, Kentucky, the town he founded. He was in his sixties at the time. When Daniel was born in 1760, his grandfather Antoine had been dead for thirty-six years. His father, John James Trabue, died in 1775 when Daniel was fifteen years old, considering all factors, it is not unreasonable that his “recollection” could be faulty
Sieur Antoine Trabue brought from France a certificate that was written on sheepskin in Antique French, in blue ink.
“Lausanne, France, 15 Septembre A.D., 1687. We the undersigned, certify that Antoine Strabo is a native of Mantaubon, age about nineteen years, of good size, fine carriage, dark complexion, having a scar under his left eye: has always professed the Reformed Religion in which his parents were raised. He has never committed any offense that has come to our knowledge, other than that the violence of the horrible persecution justified, which persecutions God had the kindness to stop, and for which He has given us reparation.
“We commend him the Care of a kind Providence, and to a Cordial reception from our brethren” “Done at Lausanne, this the 15th day of September
A.D. 1687” signed by T. Latur, formerly minister of the Church of Villinds, and also the church of Montauban.
It was also signed by the church pastors of Lansignaque, Languedoc, Dauphiny, Lausanne and Berne (Switzerland), indicating clearly the line of Antoine Trabue’s retreat down the Rhine, through Germany and Holland.
This ancient letter was worn into holes and was nearly illegible. It was stained here and there with dark red splotches, possibly of blood, but enough of it was left to translate and decipher. (13 p.208-209)
In 1889 the original letter was in the hands of A. E. Trabue of Hannibal, Mo, whose residence and contents were burned at that time.
However, Mr. Trabue had taken an impression of the original letter in gelatin, and had presented several of these copies to his various kinsmen. (13 p.209)
In the Virginia Land Registry are the following records: “Anthony Trabue, March 18, 1717, 522 acres, on the great fork of Swift Creek; Anthony Trabue March 15, 1715, 163 acres, south side James River, Henrico, Co. VA.; for many years a Church Warden, in King William Parish, p.262.
Lillie Du Puy Van Culin Harper, author of Colonial Men and Times, recommends for a full and comprehensive account of the Trabue and Du Puy family, Rev. B.H. Du Puy’s book, The Huguenot, Bartholomew Du Puy and His Desendants published by the Courier-Journal Job Printing Company in 1908. (13 p. 210)
After Antoine’s death, Magdalene Trabue married Pierre Chastain, and had no other children. Her will distributed many pieces of jewelry, silk clothing, furniture and other articles to her daughters, Magdalene and Judith: and her estate, Negroes, stock, and other articles to her sons, Jacob, Anthony and John James. Her will displayed substantial wealth for the early eighteenth century.
Seiur Anthony Trabue married Magdelaine Flourney, daughter of Jacob Flournoy, b. 1671 in France, d. 1731 in Henrico, County, VA; 5 children
3. Judith Trabue b. about 1712, m. Stephen Watkins.
1) Judith Watkins m. Williamson Pittman, an eminent Baptist clergyman
5. Magdelaine Trabue b. about 1715, m. Peter Guerrant, son of Daniel Guerrant (15 p.142).
John James Trabue was appointed by Gov. Dinsmore to survey the Western Wilderness now known as Kentucky. While in this work, they were attacked by Indians.
They sent out runners for help and threw up “breastworks” at the Bryant’s (Bryan’s) Station Settlement, near what later became Lexington, Kentucky. The entire party was massacred except for John James Trabue, whose silver watch saved his life. The Indians evidently regarded it as “big medicine” and carried Trabue off towards the Kentucky River and to Canada.
Daniel Boone arrived a few days later with a party of men, and rescued John James Trabue.
His old brass compass was resurrected 80 years later at the very spot where his private papers indicated he had buried it.
Like the Trabues, Olympia Du Puy’s family were also Huguenots and had fled from France at he time of the bloody persecution against the dissenters of the Roman Catholics (13 p.217-221)
John James and Olympia Dupuy Trabue built a large limestone home on Griers Creek in Woodford County near Tyrone, KY. The house has a long history and is still standing. It is on the National Registry of Historical Houses. John and Mary O’Rear’s family live in the house today (2005) at 640 Griers Creek Road.
1788; Col in Revolutionary War; Deputy Surveyor of
Kentucky lands under John May; no children
In case you missed it —
The four sons of John James Trabue and Olympia Du Puy Trabue—William, Col Daniel, Edward, and Stephen—married four daughters of Col Robert Haskins and his wife Elizabeth Hill Haskins— Elizabeth, Mary, Martha (or Patsy), and Jane Haskins.
Also, five of John James and Olympia Trabue’s sons James, John, William, Daniel and Edward fought in the Revolutionary War.
Edward Trabue received a tract of 200 acres in Lincoln County from Patrick Henry, Esq., Governor of VA on March 24, 1783. The deed was issued at Richmond, VA, December 2, 1785. Edward Trabue and his wife Martha Haskins Trabue, a daughter of Col Robert Haskins and his wife Elizabeth Hill, of the Hills of Surrey, both of English origin, and descendents of the early Virginia Colonists, immigrated to Kentucky after the Revolutionary War.
The Trabues built for themselves a handsome home in Woodford County, near the Kentucky River and the home of Edward’s parents, John James and Olympia Du Puy Trabue. (13 p. 254)
A note in the History of Woodford County relates the story that when General Lafayette toured America after the Revolutionary War in 1824-5, he visited Fayette and Woodford counties and upon meeting Edward Trabue he “put his arms around Edward and wept at the sight of a fellow Frenchman.” He may well have become acquainted with Edward years before during the Revolutionary War.
In the summer of 1969 LaVece and Glen Hughes toured Woodford County looking for Edward Trabue’s house and family cemetery. With the help of the Woodford County Historical Society, they found that the house still stands overlooking the palisades of the Kentucky River just outside of Versailles as the highway goes down to the Tyrone Bridge; the back of the house now faces the highway. In 2005, the family of country music singer, John Conlee, lived in the Edward Trabue house. A short distance away is the Olympia Trabue House.
The Trabue house still has gun ports built for the inhabitants to fire on Indian attackers. In the basement of the house “Edward Trabue 1792” is etched into the limestone foundation,. Just down the hill from the house is the family cemetary. Kate Ganter’s papers contain the bill of sale for the monument that George W. Trabue had ordered to be placed on his mother’ grave.
LaVece and Glen’s second son was born after they located the house in the fall of 1969, and he was named, Edward Ganter Hughes, after his great, great, great, great, great grandfather Edward Trabue.
Edward’s son George W. Trabue ordered a monument on November 1, 1830 to be placed in the family's cemetary at Tyrone, KY for Edward and Edward's mother, Olympia Dupuy Trabue.
In Memory of Edward Trabue who Died July 6th 1814 Aged 52 years He was the son of John James and Grand Son of Anthony Trabue who came from France and Settled at James Town Virginia on the left rest his 1st wife Martha Haskins and Mother Olympia Dupuy.
Edward Trabue b. May 5, 1762 (according to tombstone at family cemetery at Tyrone, KY); d. July 6, 1814;
Edward served in Revolutionary War, in the defeat of Gen Gates and in the battle of Guilford, NC, March 15, 1781, under General George Rogers Clark; m. Aug 17, 1786 Martha or Patsy Haskins d. about 1794 at or around the birth of her last child; (13 p. 228) 4 children.
1) Mary or Polly Trabue b. 1787 Fayette County, KY, m. Anselm
Clarkson; 7 children;
2) Elizabeth Trabue m. Robert Hatcher; b. Fayette County, KY. 5 children;
3) Nancy Haskins Trabue b. October 8,1791 (Nancy’s mother, Martha, died when Nancy was 2 years old, and she was raised by he grandmother, Olympia Dupuy Trabue) , m. Nov 16, 1816, Asa Pittman b. Chesterfield Co, VA., 1788, d. May 6, 1837; Pittman emigrated from England in 1750, fought in War of 1812, captured and taken to Canada, received grant in Missouri for his services. Settled in Russellville, KY; 10 children
4) George Washington Trabue
Edward Trabue House near Tyrone, Kentucky (photo 2005)
Olympia Du Puy Trabue House, Griers Creek Road (photo 2005)
George Washington Trabue
b. Feb 22, 1793 in Woodford Co., KY. d. Oct 5,1893, (14) d. September 5, 1873(13); m. Jan 13, 1820, Mrs. Elizabeth Buford Chambers, widow of John T. Chambers and daughter. of Simeon Buford, Revolutionary War soldier and Margaret Kirtly, his wife; Elizabeth was b. Woodford Co., KY., December 8, 1794 , d. Aug 30, 1869 at her home, “Pleasant Green” in Glasgow, KY. 7 children;
In 1817 when George W. Trabue was only 24 years old, he was one of a group of thirteen who asked for permission to leave the Mr. Tabor
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Twenty years later, he helped organize the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Glasgow, and remained a member for the rest of his life. A story handed down to William Day Dickinson relates that Dr. Grinstead, Thomas Childs Dickinson, and George W. Trabue decided after hearing Alexander Campbell preach, that they wanted to help start a Christian Church in Glasgow. The three men met and one of them baptized the other two into the Christian Church, and then one of the men just baptized, baptized the first man. This was about 1835, and marked the start of the Christian Church in Glasgow. George W. Trabue was an Elder of the early church.(46) and was the president of the Northern Bank of Kentucky in Glasgow from 1859-1862 when the bank closed. (48) |
Kate Dickinson Ganter related the family story that after Edward and Martha Trabue’s 4th child was born on February 22, 1793, at the family home near Versailles, Edward stepped outside after the baby was born, and heard the bells ringing in Versailles, about 6 miles distant, in honor of George Washington’s birthday, and thus decided that the name for his new son, would be George Washington Trabue.
Children of George Washington Trabue and Elizabeth Buford Chambers
1. Joseph B Trabue b. Dec 22, 1820, d. March 27, 1845, m.
Judith E. Mullins 1843; 1) Benora Trabue b. March 26, 1844, d. 1845
d. Apr 29, 1869, m. May 24, 1860 Mary T. Wade of Glasgow, KY.
The following is a copy of a letter to George W. Trabue from Alexander Campbell, one of the founders of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that is in the procession of Lelia Handy.
Bethany, Virginia, June 1841
Brother Trabue,
Your favor is at hand and the ten dollars placed to credit, as you direct. Please accept my thanks for your attention, and let me hear from you again when convenient.
A Campbell
George W. Trabue kept a family record book containing the births, marriages, and deaths of family members. In the back of the book he kept abbreviated records for the slaves that he owned. This Journal is still in possession of the family in the Kate Ganter archives.
George W. Trabue Family Record Book
Commenced in Glasgow, Ky 1820
Lelia Anderson Trabue Benjamin Franklin Trabue, MD
Benjamin Franklin Trabue, MD
b. Oct 6, 1822. d. Nov 29, 1905, m. June 12, 1855, Lelia Anderson, daughter of Rev. Henry Tompkins Anderson and Jane Buckner Anderson, b. Sept 21,1837; d. Feb 25,1901;
Benjamin F. Trabue, MD graduated from medical school in Louisville in 1850. He interned in Philadelphia and New York City.
B. F. Trabue was in active medical practice in Glasgow, KY. from 1855-1875. He stood at the head of his profession of surgery and physics in Glasgow. (21) He retired in 1875, but still practiced on special cases. He served in the Kentucky House of Representatives from 1865-1867, representing Barren County. (20)
A family story related by Lelia Ann Dickinson Smith, 2001—
Lelia Anderson Trabue
Lelia Anderson Trabue was born on September 21, 1837 in Virginia. Her father’s mother, Martha Tompkins Anderson, was the granddaughter of Joyce Read Tompkins, a niece of Rev. Benjamin Franklin.
When Lelia was an infant or young child, the family moved to Kentucky, but her mother, Jane Buckner Anderson (13) died as the result of a wagon accident going through the mountains in Eastern Kentucky.
Lelia was being carried by someone who walked beside the wagon, so she was not hurt (Other sources believe that Jane B. Anderson didn’t die until the family moved to Hopkinsville).
Lelia had at least one older sibling, a brother Clarence who became a professional photographer and lived in Hopkinsville. Her father remarried, and she had a number of younger half-siblings.
Her father, Henry Tompkins Anderson, was a minister and teacher and the family moved a number of times as he changed churches or teaching jobs. At some point in his career, he taught at Bethany College in West Virginia. During the Civil War, he was a minister at the Christian Church in Washington, D.C., and the family has letters that he wrote to his daughter Lelia during the Civil War.
As a minister of the Disciples of Christ (Campbellites), Lelia’s father was an acquaintance/friend of George Washington Trabue of Glasgow, a banker and a convert to the Campbellites.
When George W. Trabues’s son, Benjamin Frankin Trabue, traveled from Glasgow to (Louisville/New York?) to attend medical school, he stayed overnight with the Anderson family, met Lelia, and fell in love, and the story goes that he told her would come back and marry her when he finished medical school.
And so they did marry, in 1855, and settled in Glasgow. Lelia and
B.F. Trabue lived at least the latter part of their married life in the fine Georgian-style home that had been purchased in 1820 by George Washington Trabue.
This house was torn down sometime after 1900 to make way for the first tobacco warehouse in Glasgow, and the front Door and surrounding windows, interior stairway, and woodwork were saved by Lelia Rogers Dickinson, and stored in her home at 321 West Washington Street in Glasgow.
When her daughter, Kate Dickinson Ganter, and husband, Fred R. Ganter built a house in the 1950’s, they incorporated the salvaged pieces into their new brick home, at 709 Leslie Avenue, Glasgow.
Lelia Anderson and B.F. Trabue had four children—one son, Henry
B. Trabue, and three daughters.
The oldest daughter, Kate, married Joseph U. Underwood and lived in Glasgow. The second daughter, Helen, married Jerry Black Leslie, son of Kentucky Governor Preston H. Leslie, 1871-1875 (25).
Helen and Jerry Leslie moved to Helena, Montana when Helen’s father-in-law was made an official in the territorial government of Montana (and governor from 1887-1889 (25).
Their third daughter Benora, married and moved to Texas. All three of these daughters had daughters of their own that they named Lelia. The Glasgow Lelia was Lelia Rogers Dickinson. The Montana Lelia was Lelia Leslie Jackson (who reportedly had no children), and the Texas Lelia was Lelia Terrell Stallings, children unknown.
Like most women of her day, Lelia Anderson Trabue was busy with raising children and taking care of a myriad of household tasks in the days before modern conveniences, although it’s highly likely she would had had help in the form of slaves or ‘colored’ servants.
She must have been a good cook, because her Kentucky descendents swear by her pumpkin pie recipe. Also, she was known for the beautiful flower garden, which surrounded her home. She died on February 25, 1901. Her doctor husband, B. F. Trabue, who was 15 years older than she, lived until 1905.
Descendents of Benjamin Franklin, MD and Lelia “Sister Lee” Anderson Trabue,
1. Henry Buckner Trabue, b. Mar 19, 1856, d. Feb 17, 1901
m. # 1 Rosa Drane
m. # 2 Minnie Belle Jolly, daughter of John Jolly
1946 Sara Frances b. February 15, 1926
3. Nancy Anne Trabue b. April 8, 1963
2) Bruce Wilson Trabue b. July 18, 1926; m. January 11, 1947 Ruby Nell b. November 26, 1926;
3) Mary Helen Trabue b. August 4, 1934; m. April 14, 1958 Bert Loudon b. July 18, 1935
2. Kate “Katie B” Buckner Trabue, b. Sept 28, 1858, d. July 4,1935, m. Mar 19, 1878, Joseph Underwood Rogers, who was born Oct 30, 1854, d. October 3, 1936;
1) Lelia Rogers b. Mar 12, 1879, d. Dec 28, 1951, m. Oct
18, 1900 Bartlett Graves Dickinson 2) Edmund L. Rogers b. Aug 19, 1883 3) Benjamin Trabue Rogers b. May 9,1887 4) John Rogers b. Mar 4, 1891
1) Katherine G. Terrell
Kate Buckner Trabue m. Joseph Underwood Rogers
Lelia Rogers m. Bartlett Graves Dickinson