Hart County, KY

 Location: In Priceville at intersection Hwy 1124 after crossing Hwy 728 on the left. Has a sign.

Most of the info and photos on this page provided by
Gaye Hill, Carolyn Olney and Edith Bastin



Birth Date

Death Date


Ash, Bessie M.



“Gone But Not Forgotten”

Ash, Elias Jr.



SSA: Martha

Ash, Martha



W\o Elias Ash Jr.  --  SSA: Elias

Avery, Odema



Footstone: “OA”

Bostic, Benjamin H.

Aug. 14, 1890

Sep. 22, 1956

SSA: Ollie Key

Bostic, Jerry Myer



SSA: Mary  --  Father”

Bostic, Mamie

Jan. 13, 1896

Dec. 11, 1933

“Beloved Mother and Daughter”  -- Footstone: “Mother”

Bostic, Mary



SSA: Jerry Myer  --  “Mother”

Bostic, Ollie Key

Jan. 26, 1893

Mar. 14, 1966

SSA: Benjamin H.

Brown, Francis A.



Only one date: 1845

Butler, J. T.



Only one date: 1848

Carmondy, Ollie Merideth

Feb. 12, 1887


“Heavens my Home”

Caswell, Clark

Mar. 07, 1891

Nov. 19, 1910


Caswell, Jim Hayden

Dec. 7, 1853

Mar. 22, 1933


Caswell, Millie




Caswell, Paradine

Nov. 17, 1858

Nov. 17, 1930

Nee: McCubbin -- “Mother” (1)

Caswell, Tony

June 02, 1887

Nov. 23, 1941

 "Gone but not forgotten" (2)

Corder, Robert H.

Feb. 6, 1888

Oct. 28, 1888

S/o JW & ME  --  “A little time on eart spent   
Till God for him His angel sent”




No name or date

Ferris, Leslie W.

Sept. 8, 1880

Aug 5, 1964


Ferris, Theodoar R.

June 16, 1919

Jul 31, 1944

PFC – Co. C  --  “Killed in Action in the So Pacific”

Ferris, William I.

Mar. 30, 1869

Jan. 25, 1925


Gonterman, Eliza M.

Apr. 23, 1858

Mar. 4, 1939

SSA: William Worth

Gonterman, William Worth

Aug. 13, 1850

May 26, 1930

SSA: Eliza M.

Hodges, Annie Frances

Aug. 17, 1860

May 24, 1863


Hodges, Annie L.

Dec. 11, 1872

Sep. 17, 1884

D/o J. L. & H. -- The rose may fade, The lily die, But flowers immortal, Bloom on high”

Hodges, Bettie Ann

Apr. 20, 1870

Jan. 8, 1960

SSA: James F. Hodges -- Footstone: “Mother”

Hodges, Chester

Nov. 5, 1891

Apr. 12, 1954

“Brother Gone to Rest”

Hodges, Cloudie J.

Sept. 2, 1870

Nov. 5, 1893

S/o J. L. & Helin Hodges -- “Gone but not forgotten”

Hodges, Eliza

Feb. 28, 1820

Jan. 26, 1905

“W/o G. W. Hodges; Born near Tazewell, Tenn; Departed this life at Priceville, KY. Dust thou art and unto dust Shalt thou return and the Spririt to the God that gave it”

Hodges, Eliza F.

May 17, 1860

Nov. 27, 1860

“Gone Home”  --  “Sleep on sweet babe And take thy rest, God called thee home, When He thought best”.

Hodges, G. W.

Oct. 20, 1812

Oct. 12, 1863


Hodges, George Franklin

Apr. 12, 1857

Jul 4 1861


Hodges, Helen

Oct. 1, 1847

Aug. 23, 1914

D/o William & Elizabeth Rowe of Russell Co., KY.  W/o Jacob L. Hodges  --  “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy”

Hodges, Henry

Feb. 28, 1881

Apr 8, 1904

“Gone But Not Forgotten”

Hodges, Jacob Lafayette

Mar. 19, 1842

Oct. 6, 1921

“Born in Tennessee 4 miles S of Tazwell March 19, 1842” 
Other side of stone: “Died Oct. 6, 1921  -- We die of grief”

Hodges, James T.

Aug. 30, 1857

May 17,  1939

Footstone: “Father”  --  SSA: Bettie Ann

Hodges, John C.

Feb. 12, 1856

June 19, 1902

SSA: Susan A. Hodges

Hodges, Laura Frances

Aug. 17, 1860

May 24, 1863


Hodges, Martha Jane

Jul 30, 1840

Aug. 24, 1860


Hodges, Miles M.

Sep. 8, 1854

Sep. 29, 1885

“To angel from thy spirit is gone, Thy God hath claimed thee as his own, In paradise thou sharest bliss, Ne’re to be found in a world like this”

Hodges, Oscar H.

June 4, 1877

Feb. 13, 1910

Aged 32 Years 
“Blessed are the Pure in Heart
For They Shall see God”

Hodges, Robert N.


Oct 12, 1861

Aged 11 years, 4 mos, & 18 days

Hodges, Ronie P.

Jul 2, 1875

Mar. 18, 1896

“Gone But Not Forgotten”

Hodges, Susan A.

Apr 5, 1862

Feb. 21, 1901

W/o J. C. Hodges -- SSA: John C. Hodges

Hodges, William Green

Apr. 17, 1839

Jul 11, 1861


Hughes, Charles Edward

Nov. 14, 1940

Oct. 14, 2002

SSA: Deanna Timberlake -- Bronze Plaque w/cross: “US Army Vietnam”  -- Back of stone: “Our Son, Michael Edward”  --  Md. June 27, 1959

Hughes, Deanna Timberlake

May 11, 1941

Oct 14, 2002

SSA: Charles Edward  --  Back of stone: “Our Son, Michael Edward”  --  Md. June 27, 1959

Little, Fred

Oct. 10, 1929

Jan 1, 2001

Bronze Plaque w/cross; Pvt. US Army Air Forces

Lively, Benjamin F.



SSA: Mollie

Lively, Ida



Nee: Manion  --  Only one date: “12 Jul 1876”

Lively, James J.

Mar. 21, 1820

Oct. 17, 1895

SSA: Marian D, Lucy A. & Martha F.“

Lively, Loyed Jet

Feb. 28, 1910

Jul 8, 1911

S/o WP & SJ 
“Father let thy grace be given    
That we may meet in Heaven

Lively, Lucy A.

Mar. 7, 1844

Sep. 26, 1897

“God gave – He took – He will restore  --  He doeth all things well”  --  SSA: James J, Marian D., & Martha F.

Lively, Luke

May 14, 1850

Dec. 31, 1919


Lively, Marian D.

Apr. 5, 1821

Dec. 20, 1902

W/o J.T. -- SSA: James J., Lucy A., * Martha F. 
“Our father and mother are gone 
They lie beneath the sod
Dear parents tho we miss you much
We know you rest with God”

Lively, Martha F.

Oct. 20, 1848

May 26, 1888

“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord”
SSA: James J., Marian D., & Lucy A.

Lively, Mollie E.



SSA: Benjamin F.

Lively, S. G.




Lively, Sarah O.

May 31, 1852

Mar. 5, 18??

W/o B. F. Lively;  --  Nee: Hodges -- “Our darling one has gone before, To greeet us on the blissful shore”

Meredith, Alex

Apr. 12, 1842

Oct. 11, 1927

SSA: Margret -- Footstone: “Father”

Meredith, Henry

Oct. 15, 1873


SSA: Lela Meredith -- “Father” -- “At Rest”

Meredith, Infant Daughter



One Date: Jan. 20, 1943  --  Inf. D/o Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Meredith

Meredith, Lela

Oct. 15, 1884

Apr 13, 1938

SSA: Henry Merideth  --  “Mother”  --  “At Rest”

Meredith, Margret

Dec. 26, 1868

Apr. 15, 1937

SSA: Alex  --  Footstone: “Mother”

Meredith, Miles Thomas

June 22, 1884

Aug. 20, 1932

“In God We Trust”

Miller, Damon

Apr. 25, 1912

Dec. 28, 1945

SSA: Flossie M. Blessett -- “Forever In our Hearts”
Footstone: “Dad”

Miller, Flossie M. Blessett

Oct. 18, 1909

Oct. 23, 1990

SSA: Damon -- “Forever In our Hearts”  --  ootstone: “Mom”

Morris, David W.

Nov. 29, 1894

Feb. 4, 1898

S/o WD & MD  --  “Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven”

Prise, Nancy


May 4, 1844

Footstone: “N.P. May 14, 1944”

Stuteville, Jennie

Nov. 14, 1867

Apr. 5, 1904

W/o R. E. L. -- SSA:Maud M. & R. E. L.  
“Tis finished, the conflict is past
 The heaven born Spirit ist’ led
Her wish accomplished at last
And now she’s entombed with the dead”

Satuteville, R. E. L.

Sept. 22, 1866


SSA: Maud M. & Jennie 
“Tis finished, the conflict is past 
 The heaven born Spirit ist’ led
Her wish accomplished at last
And now she’s entombed with the dead”

Stuteville, Maud M.

Jan 7, 1898


SSA: R.E.L. & Jennie
“Tis finished, the conflict is past 
The heaven born Spirit ist’ led 
Her wish accomplished at last 
And now she’s entombed with the dead”

Thomas, Delia

Oct. 28, 1877

Mar. 11, 1910

“Not My Will But Thine Be Done”

Thomas, Willie C.



S/o A & CF

Wells, Eliza R.

Mar. 22, 1881

Jun. 12, 1972

oss/ William B.

Wells, G. D.

Feb. 10, 1861

Jul 20, 1905

“Farewell my wife and children all, 
From you a father Christ doth call,
Mourn not for me it is vain 
To call me to your sight again”  
Footnote: “GDW”

Wells, Jeffrey R.

Feb. 4, 1883

Apr. 11, 1897

S/o GD & NE 
“A little time on eart he spent 
Till God for him His angel sent”

Wells, Nettie L.

May 12, 1894

May 1, 1895

D/o GD & NE 
“Gone to a better land”

Wells, William B.

Jan. 10, 1879

Apr. 14, 1925


West, Harriet C.

Dec. 22, 1850

Dec. 23, 1916

“How desolate our home bereft of thee.” 
Note: Large stone with an open book carved on top with above inscription on the front base; but only one name on stone.

Wooden, Margie

Dec. 17, 1904

Jul 28, 1928


(1) KYDI: CASWELL PARIDENE 071 HART 11-18-1930 055 27319
(2) CASWELL TONNIE 054 JEFFERSON HART 11-23-1941 054 26721
*Elias Ash – (H\o Sarah McClain) buried here with no stone.

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