McCubbins Cemetery

AKA Mt. Olivet Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery

Hart County, Kentucky

Location: This cemetery is located on West Hwy. 88 next to
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church between Munfordville and Kessinger.
This is a complete listing with photographs as of April 1, 2005.
All the tombstones are on the West side of the church with the
exception of three stones (Gardner, Shown, Riggs) which are
on the East side of the church.

All information and photos on this page
provided by
Edith Bastin





Avery, James A.

Dec 11, 1927

Aug 16, 1988

SSA: Thelma L. - “Love Lives On” - “Cpl US Army Korea”

Avery, Thelma L.

Aug 11, 1938


SSA: James A. - “Love Lives On”

Bratcher, Alven

Dec 22, 1915

June 4, 1996

SSA: Iva Warren - “Come Ye to the House of the Lord”

Bratcher, Iva Warren

May 7, 1920

Oct 14, 1995

SSA: Alven

Butler, Green B.

Oct 10, 1885

Nov 27, 1971

SSA: Ollie Crane - “Husband”

Butler, Ollie Crane

Dec 22, 1885

Mar 28, 1956

SSA: Green B. - “Wife”

Carroll, Ernest “Jack”

Nov 25, 1915

Nov 18, 1980


Carroll, Rachel Phillips

Apr 29, 1885

Mar 10, 1968

“Gone but not forgotten”

Gardner, Cathy Templeman

Dec 30, 1956


SSA: Roy Damon - “md. Mar 30, 1980” - “Parents of Mary Elizabeth, Sarah Beth, Rachel Ann, and Anna Leigh”

Gardner, Roy Daymon

June 3, 1951

Oct 25, 1995

SSA: Cathy Templeman - “md. Mar 20, 1980” - “Parents of Mary Elizabeth, Sarah Beth, Rachel Ann, and Anna Leigh”

Guest, John W.

Oct 29, 1906

Aug 1, 1962


McCorkle, Henry E.

Sept 1, 1898

Feb 18, 1979

SSA: Iva Puckett - “Wed 60 years”

McCorkle, Iva Puckett

Oct 8, 1899

Nov 30, 1985

SSA: Henry E. - “Wed 60 years”

McCubbins, Charlie S.

June 8, 1889

Mar 10, 1970

SSA: Linnie M.

McCubbins, Claude

Nov 27, 1883

Apr 8, 1954

SSA: Mary R. - “Father”

McCubbins, Eugene

Dec 17, 1884

May 18, 1960

SSA: Lubelle - “md. Feb 14, 1904”

McCubbins, Laverne

Mar 19, 1936

June 6, 2002

SSA: Mike - “md. Feb 7, 1953” - Granny's gang, Michael, Mark, Brandon, Tyler, Josh, Parker, Alex, Leigh Ann, Chloe

McCubbins, Linnie M.

Mar 8, 1895

Aug 23, 1959

SSA: Charlie S. - Nee: Meredith

McCubbins, Lubelle

Apr 1, 1886

June 8, 1959

SSA: Eugene - “md. Feb 14, 1904”

McCubbins, Mary B.

Sept 23, 1898

Aug 26, 1986

SSA: Claude - “Mother”

McCubbins, Mike

May 1, 1934

Jul 22, 2005

SSA: Laverne - “md. Feb 7, 1953” - “Granny's gang, Michael, Mark, Brandon, Tyler, Josh, Parker, Alex, Leigh Ann, Chloe”

McCubbins, Myrtle G.

Mar 10, 1924

SSA: Rev. Theodore E. “Mother” - md. June 10, 1944

McCubbins, Preston L.

Mar 20, 1920

Jan 26, 1975

Veteran of World War II” - KY Birth Index: MCCUBBIN PRESTON L na 1920 03 20 TERMPSON MARY HART 039 19211 - KDI: MCCUBBINS PRESTON L 1975 01 22 054 JEFFN JEFFERSON 003 01269

McCubbins, Rev. John T.

Mar 9, 1930

June 13, 1953


McCubbins, Rev. Theodore E.

Nov 3, 1922

June 28, 1991

SSA: Myrtle G. - “Father” - md. June 10, 1944

Middleton, Ben L.

Mar 19, 1921


SSA: Carlos & Faye Priddy

Middleton, Carlos

July 10, 1941

Sept 29, 1976

SSA: Faye Priddy & Ben L.

Middleton, Emma Faye



Tin Marker - (from Judge Cann's cemetery listings)

Middleton, Faye Priddy

Dec 18, 1923


SSA: Carlos & Ben L.

Middleton, Leona

Dec 21, 1913

Feb 5, 1963

SSA: Roy

Middleton, Roy

Jan 16, 1911

Sept 7, 1990

SSA: Leona

Miller, Bowers



SSA: Florence - “md 52 years” - “Gone to be with Jesus”

Miller, Florence



SSA: Bowers - “md 52 years” - “Gone to be with Jesus”

Puckett, Nova



SSA: Willie Lena - “md Aug 25, 1925”

Puckett, Willie Lena



SSA: Nova - “md Aug 25, 1925”

Riggs, Bonnie L.

Feb 11, 1943


SSA: Randy Paul F. - “Mother” - “Gone Home to be with Jesus” - “Precious Memories” - “Rejoice not against me O mine enemy. When I fall I shall arise. When I set in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.”

Riggs, Randy Paul F.

July 1, 1963

Jan 2000

SSA: Bonnie L. - “Son” - “Gone Home to be with Jesus” “Precious Memories” - “Rejoice not against me O mine enemy. When I fall I shall arise. When I set in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.”

Shown, Claudia A.

Apr 24, 1938


SSA: Harold E.

Shown, Harold E.

Oct 11, 1937

Dec 29, 1995

SSA: Claudia A.

Sturgeon, Emma F.


One date: Sept 4, 1965

Sturgeon, Henry T.

Oct 11, 1899

Aug 29, 1970


Templeman, Ada B.



SSA: Joe E. “Mother”

Templeman, Guy E.

Dec 28, 1909

Dec 3, 2000

SSA: Mary Alice McCubbins

Templeman, Joe E.



SSA: Ada B. - “Father”

Templeman, Mary Alice McCubbins

Apr 7, 1914

July 6, 1970

SSA: Guy E.

Thomas, Henry



Tin Marker (from Judge Cann's cemetery listings)

Warren, Mace Lee

July 21, 1889

Oct 29, 1956

“In Loving Memory”

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